Hermitage located in the area of l’Ortisella, aproximately two kilometers away from the town center towards Vistabella, taking a track on the right that goes down to the Ortisella valley, where the hermitage is located in front of the trunk of a thousand year old elm, a fountain and a picnic area. The Hermitage was built in 1567 and throughout history it has undergone several extensions and remodelings, such as the sacristy construction in 1853, until XXth century in which the inn was built. In front of the hermitage there is an esplanade presided over by the hollow trunk of an ancient and colossal elm tree. It is said as an anecdote, that inside it up to 7 people could play and another one could give wine to the players. The hermitage is surrounded by three fountains: Upper, Bottom and Back.
Numerous visits and pilgrimages take place throughout the year, including: the first Sunday in May, the Easter Monday of Pentecost and the 8th of September, coinciding with the town’s patron saint’s festivities.